January 2012

January 24th, 2012


"The L3F Uganda project, pioneered by graduates from Makerere University under the wings of Prof Moses Tenywa, has for the last two years provided timely and relevant information on markets, fertiliser application, right plant spacing, timely planting, diseases like potato blight and other important farm related information, to farmers in Uganda.

For the farmers in the sub-counties of Bufundi and Bubare, the communication device has solved their livelihood problems from the day it replaced the extension worker in providing timely and relevant farm information.

In the two sub counties, sorghum and potatoes are the main source of income. But, the challenges of growing and bringing the crops to the market do not stop at the volatile market prices, and bad road network. They extend to the lack of information on the right seeds, weather patterns, right fertilisers, pests and diseases - not forgetting the endemic lack of credit affecting farmers all over the country."

Read more here.

January 24th, 2012

From Precision Ag:

"The Mosaic Company recently launched the Nutrient Removal App as part of its on-going commitment to provide growers and retailers with innovative tools utilizing new computing and communication technology. The free app, available on smartphones and mobile tablets, makes nutrient removal data readily available in the office, field or tractor. The app serves as a new tool for growers as they partner with their local agronomist to plan for next year’s planting season and crop nutrient programs."

Read more here

Once it’s downloaded, the Nutrient Removal App can be used without Internet service, and contains customizable data for 36 different crops. After the crop and desired yield are selected, results can be stored as part of an individual profile, and/or emailed to other contacts.

Download the app here